Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My first day in Spain (Part 3)

This you might call a typical view from Castilla la Mancha, but for me this is far from typical! The scenery, although very dry, is beautiful with it's gentle hills, mountains in the distance, patches of vines, olive trees, sweet pepper and a small village every 10 or 20 kilometres. Comparing to Finland, the forests and the lakes are missing, but it doesn't make the scenery any less beautiful.

The day here is quite long throughout the year. The sun rises around seven o'clock and goes down between 22 and 23 o'clock in the evening. That is when the families have a late dinner, older folk living as neighbors go in front of their houses to chat and some head for the terraces. The air is still warm, but the sun is taking a rest to heat up a new day. This is what my first sunset looked like, seen from the terrace of the house.
Even though the nights are dark, most of the time you can see the moon and the stars very clearly. The familiar group of stars, "Otava" or "Ursa Major", can be seen right above the terrace every night. I have taken a custom to go out there every night before going to bed to get some fresh air and take a peak at the stars. Also the neighborhood cats often are there to greet you :)

Well, this is all for now, as the sun has set hours ago already. Tomorrow I'm again off to Ciudad Real, as I wrote before, and will probably stay there for a couple of days. More stuff will be appearing here when I get back! Take care :)

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