Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Family

Allow me to present the family Gig... errrmmm... well, let's just call it The Family, as I wouldn't know which surname to use (here in Spain, people have two surnames - one from their mother and the other from the father). Of course it has been impossible to get the whole family in one photo, but let's begin with what I've got:

Here we have Rocío with her parents, Eugenio and Encarnacion.

And here are the previous ones minus Rocío, having a breakfast on a Saturday morning - churros con chocolate. It's something that resembles the Finnish "munkki" and usually is dipped in hot chocolate while eating... delicious!

La abuela - grandmother, that is - sitting in the chair in the hallway doing her handcrafts. She's called Felipa and is a very lovable person, although I find it hard to understand a single word that she speaks ;) She takes turns month at a time to stay the days either with the family of Rocío or that of her aunt. She joins us for the breakfast, then sits in the living room watching tv or doing those handcrafts, eats lunch with us and then goes to her house next door to have a nap during the siesta. In the evenings, she comes back, sitting either in the living room or in front of the house, dines with us and for the night again goes to her house. This is how the elderlies are often taken care of here in Spain. If you'd ask me, I'd say she is just what I would imagine a Spanish grandmother to be :)
Eugenio driving back to Villahermosa from Valdepeñas, where we took Rocío's youngest sister Beatriz to catch a bus to Ciudad Real for a visit to the middle one of the three sisters, Maria Isabel. Of these two I'm yet to have a photo, so I'll have to get back on them later. Next, I will introduce you to the pets and other animals I've encountered...

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