Monday, August 13, 2007

An earthquake in Spain

Well, now it is official: I can sleep through an earthquake!

A rare event happened yesterday on Sunday, August 12th in Spain. At 9:47am the country was struck by an earthquake, the epicenter being right here in Ciudad Real. The magnitude of the 'quake was 5,1 on the Richter scale. At this hour I was happily asleep, and I must admit that when I woke up an hour later or so, I had no idea whatsoever of an earthquake. The rest of the family was talking about it, how they felt their beds shake and heard a rumbling noise, and soon the tv was also with it. Luckily the quake didn't cause any casualties or damage to property. Should I consider buying a more effective alarm clock than my mobile phone?!

Here's a few links to information about the event:
Wikipedia (this one in Spanish)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a bit of a shocking thing to realise that the quake was centered right there where you live. But then I heard from the news that there weren't any casualties, which was odd cause I thought that 5,1 richter scale quake should be enough to cause some semimajor/major proplems in the infrastructure and therefore hurt people as well as property. Luckily I was wrong. =) You have superior sleeping skills. BTW. Have you read the E-mail I sent you Ville? It's now official when we made the paperworks, we are moving 1.9 to new apartment near the park(Puistotori) here in JKL. Say hi to Rocio from me. Take care,