Thursday, April 19, 2007

...and what happened with the NIE-number?

Well, today I received a letter from the Spanish authorities regarding my application for the NIE-number. The resolution was negative and the instructions on the letter guided me to apply for the number from the authorities of the city I will be living in once I get to Spain. No harm done here, except that I won't be able to take care of all the things immediately once I get there. The only thing that makes me wonder is why the web page of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Spain says it is possible to apply the number in your country of residence from an embassy or other diplomatic post, yet in the end it isn't. This might be because the legislation regarding the NIE and residencia has been recently renewed and the procedures and rules are still a bit unclear - even for the officials. There is useful information about this in the issue 4/07 of the OLE-magazine and also will be in their future issues. Anyway, I hope this experience might save a little trouble from someone in a similar situation. Here's a quote that confused me from the page in question (in Spanish):
  • "Las presentadas en España personalmente por el interesado, en cuyo caso habrá de acreditar que se halla legalmente en territorio español y justificar documentalmente el motivo de la asignación de dicho número.
  • Las que se presenten en España por el representante del extranjero, acreditando dicha representación mediante poder general o poder especial, así como justificar documentalmente el motivo de la asignación del número.
  • Las que se presenten en las Representaciones Diplomáticas u Oficinas Consulares españolas ubicadas en el país de residencia del solicitante, en unión de los documentos que justifiquen el motivo de la asignación del número."

What else is new? Well, nothing much really. These weeks and months seem like only passing the time before getting on the go actually. During the easter time we did some traveling though, visiting my family in Jyväskylä and Kuopio. We also spent one night at our summer cottage, which was a nice experience: having sauna in the middle of the night and sitting out on the porch in the chilly air, seeing the starry sky the way you never can in the city... And while on the road, it seemed as if it was just the time for the swans to do their migration as we saw plenty of those. Here's one picture I took of those beautiful birds:

Oh, and there was a couple of new experiences in store for Rocío as well on this trip: her first icicle and of course since it was easter - mämmi! Take a look:

1 comment:

Tuomo said...

Let's try english for a change.

Well politics, bureaucracy and authorities are a bitch at sometimes but good that you figured it out after all, hope it goes well.

Glad you had nice moments at Finnish countryside, that place I assume you went, is very beautiful.
Rocio has a little questioning look on her face at that picture(what the **** is this) LOL. Rocio should had tried to hit an icicle with snowball but maybe some other year, when we have örm...snow...(last winter were so lame that I was SOOOOO disappointed to it) :(

Ah, Rocio looks so confident but maybe still a little doubtful at the same time, it was her first spoonful of that black "tasty" matter of easter called mämmi I assume...yyygghff it gives me chills just for typing it down. :)

Be well both of you.
That's an order!